4 things you SHOULDN’T do during a trial shift

By: Rachael, redwigwam
A trial shift is an odd thing, on the one hand, its something like an interview…
but on the other, you can’t exactly prove yourself to be too good for the job.
So from my experience, these are the 4 things I’ve realised I should never do on a trial shift:
Keep to yourself
You may think that to leave a good impression upon your prospective employer and co-workers you should maintain an almost stoic and rigid decorum when it comes to interaction…
that is not the case.
Communication is key.
So even if it’s just finding out more about your co-workers, or making idle chit chat.
Your employers want you to be able to convey every detail to your co-workers and develop a synergy with them.
The less time you spend trying to make sure they understand what you mean the better for the overall business.
Slouch or appear disinterested
As previously mentioned, communication is essential, and your body language is another way to communicate…
You may talk frequently with your co-workers but if your body conveys a sense of disinterest, slouching, hands in your pockets or arms folded…
then your prospective employer is going to see through all that no matter how much of a silver tongue you might have.

Focus on the time
This may seem like an obvious don’t in a list of obvious don’ts…
But sometimes it’s possible to slip into habits and check your watch, your phone or the nearest clock available.
Your trial shift typically will be at most from 1 to 2 hours, so the time will fly by if you are given much work to do.
So if you were to check up on the time it would highlight your disinterest in the whole job.
If you were doing a full shift of 8 hours then that would be understandable but if you can’t focus on the job for just an hour then that will not leave a positive impression.
Ask details about pay and holiday hours
Now, these are important questions to ask no doubt.
However, there is a time and a place for everything.
You’re there to demonstrate your skills and professionalism, not to ask if you can get next month off.
These are details that should be ironed out during the interview done previous to the shift, or when you’re offered to ask any questions after the shift.
Asking questions during the shifts makes you come across as unfocused and easily distracted so their impression of you is worsened.
Got a trial shift coming up? Have a look at this blog post: Frequently asked questions about trial shifts for answers to lots of FAQs!