Are you too old to retrain or do you just need inspiring?

By: Dan, redwigwam
I was having an interesting conversation with some friends online recently about changing careers. During our conversation, it became obvious that not everyone thought it was possible to change where they were heading past the age of 30. I completely disagree with this, especially as there are so many opportunities out there. You just need to take the time to research and take full advantage of the companies out there that can help you on your quest for a new role.
Here are some websites that can further develop your skills or offer support that might set you on the right track.
Learn a new language
I have friends that quite like using Babbel on their phones for picking up local languages, but I have always used 50 Languages. One of the best things about this (asides from the fact that it is available on tablets, desktops and iPhones or Androids) is that you have a choice of 50 languages to learn. Another bonus is that it is free, which means you don’t have to be loaded to learn something that may be of use to you.
Learn to code
This website I am extremely excited about as I like to think of myself as a secret geek. Code Avengers is a site that offers coding courses. The intro sections are free (to see if the subject area is for you) and then you can pay for other courses. The great thing about this website is that you can pay a lump sum to get access to all the courses and they plan to release design, further web development and digital marketing courses in the near future.
The digital landscape isn’t going anywhere, so start exploring what the digital world could offer you.
Learn to offer your time
I am a big fan of doing voluntary work as it can help others whilst helping you to find what you’re looking for Charity Job offers a range of volunteer roles that cover all types of charities and not-for-profit companies. It could allow you to test out some skills that you already have as an interest or to prove yourself in something new.
Learn about yourself
I heard about Inner Space completely by accident, and unfortunately haven’t had a chance to go on one of their courses or talks yet, but it’s on my to-do list.
Inner Space is a meditation and personal development centre. The courses and talks they hold cover a range of subjects that may affect your well-being and are completely free of charge. What I love about this is that some places would charge a lot for this kind of session and yet they are giving it away.
Remember you can always register for short term work through redwigwam too, temping can really help you to gain transferrable skills while still earning some extra cash.
The suggestions above were just a few ideas to wet your palette and to let you know the sorts of things that are out there. Never let anyone tell you that your current job is where you’ll be stuck and that you can’t change your path: You can choose your future, just make sure you're the one holding the remote.