How to find a job when you don't have any experience...

By: Kayleigh, redwigwam
So you’ve found yourself in need of job, but you have no experience?
In this day and age, job hunting it has become increasingly more difficult as many employers now use applicant tracking systems to read through CVs. These systems will scan your CV for keywords and to see what your career background is. This can bring about many challenges for the prospective candidates who may slip through the net as you might be newly starting out in the world of work, you might have gaps in experience, or you might be wanting to change career.
You could have many great qualities, but without the ability to satisfy what these ATS systems are looking for, you might end up finding yourself being continually rejected in favour of candidates with more keywords on their CV as you are being judged by a computer and not a human being.
So how do you get around this problem?
Enter redwigwam!
We offer people the chance to gain the valuable skills needed to populate your CV, whilst also being able to choose when you work, and have your work fit around your other commitments! We also offer work in a variety of sectors so you can try out different types of roles and see what suits you best.
Here are the sectors we operate in and a few of the different skills you could be learning to start you off on your career.
Warehouse and Logistics
This is a sector which has thrived through the pandemic. Working in warehousing and logistics, you could gain experience in how to be flexible as you may be required to work across different areas and roles. You’ll have to work quickly and accurately, as the environment will likely be fast-paced. This also encompasses self-discipline, as you will need to be responsible for yourself to be able to complete work in a timely manner.
Retail and Hospitality
Working in either retail or hospitality gives you similar experience and teaches a similar skill set as these are roles which are heavily customer facing. This means you will become proficient in customer service, which is a very useful and highly transferrable skill to have. Other skills you will learn in these sectors are communication, interpersonal skills and teamwork, as you learn to communicate with your colleagues to get the job done as a team. You will also learn best practice on communicating with customers.
In hospitality you could be asked to complete health and safety, food hygiene or licensing law awareness training. These are also good to add to your CV.
Cleaning and Facilities Management
Working in a cleaning role you can learn time management, as work will need to be completed on time. Consistency and attention to detail will be needed as you will be shown what standards your work needs to be at.
In an admin role, time management will also be important, as will attention to detail as the role may include data entry and word processing. Good verbal and written communication skills will be developed if you are having to deal with people face to face, over the telephone and via email. You could also pick up new IT skills and learn how to use new programs and systems.
Field Marketing and Mystery Shopping
You need to be responsible for yourself getting the job completed by the deadline. You will also need to be accurate in completing these jobs and provide a detailed report with photographs.
If you sign up to redwigwam you can choose which sector(s) you would like to work in, see what shifts we have available and get them booked. You’re not limited to one sector – in fact, many of our wigwammers work several different jobs, mixing cleaning with mystery shopping, or warehouse work with shifts in hospitality.
Many of our roles don’t require previous experience so this is a great way to start building your portfolio and pick up some of the skills mentioned above, plus many more. The more work you do, the more experience you will have for your CV and the more money you will make!
And on top of all of that, here at redwigwam we are doing everything we can to make finding suitable work as easy as possible for you. We have an app to make it easier to book work on the go, we have quick pay so that you will not bewaiting too long to receive your wages! You can opt to be paid weekly, monthly or within 24 hours of your timesheet being signed off. And as previously mentioned, we are totally flexible so that you can book yourself in for work around your other commitments.
Why not register for an account, tell us your work preferences and start to find work TODAY!