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We're available 24/7 to answer your questions and help with your account. The quickest way to get in touch is by using our online chat function. Simply click the red button in the bottom right side of the screen.
You can send us a message, or have a look through the articles to find answers to some frequently asked questions.
Looking for work?
Working for redwigwam means you get freedom and flexibility in work, with the benefits of permanent employment.
To create your free account, and get started on your flexible working journey, click the link below and sign up.

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Need staff?
If you need staff, either on a temporary basis, or more long-term, redwigwam is here to help.
We provide businesses with a platform to manage and pay their staff, plus attract and access a large, nationwide pool of flexible workers.
Build a resource pool of workers and fill staffing gaps easily, with a wide range of packages to suit every size of business.
Want to find out more? Use the link below to book a demo with our sales team.