redwigwam - 'Kissing Frogs' job information

Use the form to fill in as many details from the job advert as possible. 

If you don't have all the information, that's fine, but you do need an email address. If none is available, please use the DM via Facebook option instead (as per the job brief). 


  • We are looking for contacts in businesses who are looking to hire staff. This could be anyone, temporary or permanent, but we have most success with people looking for ‘low level’ staff who are paid by the hour, rather than specialist recruitment for high end jobs
  • We're looking for business who are looking for low level staff, paid by the hour in our key sectors:
    • Cleaning
    • Warehouse/logistics
    • Care
    • Retail
    • Hospitality
    • Office/Admin
  • Check when the job was advertised - was it fairly recently?
  • Avoid anything that is MLM/pyramid selling (many work from home opportunities will be this type of thing), commission-based roles, cash in hand, and self-employed as we can’t facilitate that.

Please fill in the info from the job ad here: